RUUV Foundation focuses primarily on product suppliers with the need to freely trade fire protection products that are not covered by a harmonized EN standard in Europe. RUUV guides the process for CE marking through the EOTA scheme. This through a ‘European Technical Assessment’ (ETA) for ‘Fixed fire protection products’ (product area code 10) and ‘Products with fire retardant, fire resistant and fire sealing properties’ (product area code 35) commissioned by the suppliers and/or manufacturers of these products.
RUUV is an active participant in the ‘European Organization for Technical Assessment Bodies’ (EOTA). EOTA is the European association of technical assessment bodies for construction products, established under the Construction Products Regulation (CPR). Within EOTA, RUUV is part of an organization with the following common tasks:
- Making ETAs and EADs (‘European Assessment Document’) publicly available. The combination of an EAD and an ETA allows manufacturers to obtain CE marking on products for which a harmonized test standard (hEN) does not yet exist.
- Consulting with other Technical Assessment Bodies (TABs) and sharing information from this organization with other interested parties at European Member State level.
- Mutual exchange of information and improvement of services for the benefit of the industry.
- Developing new EADs.
- Mutually guaranteeing quality and, if necessary, informing the European Commission about it.
RUUV as TAB is independent and can thus play an important role for manufacturers in communicating about product certification with other parties, such as testing institutes and other relevant accredited institutions.

RUUV Foundation
Mozartlaan 27E
1217 CM Hilversum
Postbus 7
1200 AA Hilversum
Tel +31 (0)35 7 200 150
E-mail info@ruuv.nl